Public Art Registry
Make West
Photo: Bill Pechet
Make West - photo by Bill Pechet
Nicola St. to Cardero St.
Coal Harbour Quay
Located in three small alcoves at sidewalk level
Private development
Bronze, slate, granite and plants
Site-integrated work
In place
Coal Harbour
Coal Harbour/West End Quadrant
Description of work
The piece can be found along the foundation of the building on the waterfront walkway between Nicola and Cardero Streets. It is made of stones, plaques, and objects cast in bronze that refer to the history of the area and act as a puzzle. Recently, the strata council has posted privacy signs in the 3 alcoves - however, the artwork is visible from the sidewalk.
Artist statement
"Make West is an attempt to represent the history of Coal Harbour and, by extension, Vancouver and Western Canada. It does so in the form of a series of shards, or extractions which constitute a game." -the artist
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