Public Art Registry
Salute to the Lions of Vancouver
Photo: Barbara Cole
Salute to the Lions of Vancouver - photo by Barbara Cole
999 Canada Place
Canada Place
On the second level of Canada place near FlyOver Cafe
Stainless steel
In place
Privately owned
CommemorativeDowntown North Quadrant
Description of work
Two matching steel-cut lions jump through lighted hoops held between two vertical beams. The piece is situated on the west side of the deck around Canada Place and looks out at The Lions, the mountains across the bay. "This piece, which includes a bronze plaque commemorating Pauline Johnson, was commissioned from Falk by the architects after a cross-Canada competition failed to turn up anything they liked. The artist's original scheme, comprising eight dogs leaping through rings of fire ("I wanted it to be a real salute") was modified considerably." (Elizabeth Godley, 671, The Greater Vancouver Book)
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