Public Art Registry
Red Horizontal
Photo: Tomas Svab
Red Horizontal - photo by Tomas Svab
David Lam Park Extension
False Creek Sea Wall North
Seawall benches
Porcelain enamel
Site-integrated work
In place
City of Vancouver
Concord Pacific
City of Vancouver Private Development Program
Yaletown Downtown South Quadrant
Description of work
"Red porcelain enamel panels are embedded in the upper portion of concrete benches that run along a portion of the seawall in the North False Creek neighbourhood. In cooperation with area residents, photographs were taken of the interior spaces of the apartments, condominiums, lofts or seniors' housing. These photographs were then arranged into a number of different sequences and appear as transparent halftone images layered on the red panels. A total of 257 photographs appear in the work, 29 of which are repeated. The photographs of the residences were taken in the spring and summer of 2004." - the artist
Artist statement
"The work…was conceived to function both from a distance and in close proximity. When approaching the artwork from a distance - such as the water or walking along the seawall - the work appears as a thin red horizontal line in contrast to a predominantly vertical architectural environment. In close proximity the viewer can see in a high degree of detail the various residences that compose the photographic aspect of the work. The choice of material, porcelain enamel, is intended to refer to the tradition of ceramic benches and tile work found in both exterior and interior public spaces. The rich red of the porcelain adds a strong element of colour to the predominantly glass, steel and concrete environment." -the artist
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