Public Art Registry
Idea for a Trellis
Photo: Maureen Smith
Idea for a Trellis - photo by Maureen Smith
1308 Hornby Street
SALT / 1308 Hornby
On building facade at SE corner of Hornby and Drake  of Hornby & Drake Street
Private development
3/8" Aluminum plate (alloy 6061)
Site-integrated work
In place
Text-based workYaletown Downtown South Quadrant
Description of work
Idea for a Trellis is comprised of 24 separate letters which form the final phrase from Voltaire's novella Candide: " … we must cultivate our garden". The letters are fastened to the north façade of the building in a vertical fashion running from the top storey down to where the building meets the public sidewalk at grade. Functioning as a sign on the building, the letters are rendered in a font designed by the artists which references the motif of a formal trellis structure employing trompe l'oeil techniques to create illusory depth and space. The spacing between the words in the phrase is based on a section of a Fibonacci sequence - reinforcing notions of the ideal, perfection and pragmatism which Voltaire explored so richly in Candide.
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