Public Art Registry
Watch Seller
Photo: Barbara Cole
Watch Seller - photo by Barbara Cole
Main Street and Terminal Avenue 
Main Street-Science World Station
East Platform Plaza
In place
SEFCSoutheast False Creek Quadrant
Description of work

A sculpture of a watch seller exhibiting 720 watches that functions as a deconstructed public clock.

Artist statement

"Watch Seller is a deconstructed public clock in the form of a statue of an itinerant peddler. This combination of clock and figure is a variation of traditional decorative allegorical clocks.

The Watch Seller is laden with suitcases, bags, a backpack and blanket, upon which are exhibited 720 watches. Recalling the vendors of the nearby flea market, this overflowing display includes a large range of timepieces, such as novelty, pocket, children’s and nursing watches. Each watch shows a different time, and all possible hour and minute combinations are shown. Noon/midnight is found in the watch in the figure’s left hand." - Rhonda Weppler/Trevor Mahovsky



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