Public Art Registry
Photo: Michael Elkan Photography
Refined, 2015 by Jill Anholt - photo by Michael Elkan Photography
Refined, 2015 by Jill Anholt - photo by Michael Elkan Photography
Refined, 2015 by Jill Anholt - photo by Michael Elkan Photography
1 - 88 West 1st Avenue
Manitoba Plaza
Private development
Shotcrete, tumbled glass, Lighting
In place
Privately owned - Strata
SEFCSoutheast False Creek Quadrant
Description of work
Southeast False Creek, the site of this work, was once a hub of industry and processing, but has rapidly been converted from a quasi-abandoned and contaminated brownfield into a highly-designed, dense residential neighbourhood. The word refined refers to both the process of removing unwanted elements to create an increasingly homogeneous and pure substance and also to the perception of characteristics such as elegance, sophistication, and urbanity. The artwork, Refined, draws specifically on the forms and processes of salt purification which used to take place in the building immediately proximal to the site while exploring the overall transformation of the neighbourhood itself. The artwork is composed of five pure-white, conical sculptures of varying heights that sit within a recessed pool of recycled glass. During the day, the pure geometric forms and angular shapes of the surrounding glass elements catch and play with natural sunlight. At night, warm hued lights, evocative of the colour of salt in its raw unrefined state, cast a glow onto the artwork surfaces.
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