Public Art Registry
Everyday Things (日常事物)
Artwork has been removed.
Photo: SITE Photography
Everyday Things by Paul Wong - photo by SITE Photography
578 Carrall Street
Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden
Window facing Carrall St
The artwork has been removed from this location.
Two-dimensional artwork
No longer in place
City of Vancouver
Chinatown Mural Artist Call 2019
Description of work

This artwork is part of a series of murals in Chinatown, commissioned through the City's Chinatown Mural Artist Call 2019. In February 2019, the City invited proposals for temporary painted murals and digital printed artwork within Chinatown's public realm. In April 2019, proposals were shortlisted by a panel of art experts from Chinatown who have cultural knowledge of the neighbourhood's heritage, with four projects then recommended for commission.

Artist statement

“Everyday Things” consist of three four-month exhibitions featuring collages constructed from vintage children’s Chinese flashcards and antique English language books. The flashcards and books were intended to teach everyday words, phrases, and information to newly arrived workers from China.


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