Field Status for Weekend Play
Only closed fields, deemed as not playable are listed on this schedule.
Fields not listed are deemed user discretion.
This field status page of the Vancouver Park board has been setup to include the participating public's help to ensure and preserve quality and longlivety of the Vancouver Park Board Grass Play Fields. All grass fields are reviewed by field maintenance staff to determine repairs, playability and closures.
Update notice - Feb 24, 2025

The Vancouver Park Board recommends that permit holders assess their locations before playing. If you are uncertain about the status of a field, please refer to your league for details as they will make the final decision about the status of play.

GRASS FIELDS: In the event of rain, grass fields which are water saturated, have standing water, or large muddy areas on the playing surface, should not be played on.

Synthetic Turf: User discretion is expected during inclement weather. Refunds for snow covered facilities need to be submitted within 72 hours of permit time to

Thank you,
Outdoor Sports Facilities

The Field status is currently under review and will be updated by this Friday, 1:00pm.
The Vancouver Park Board Field status will be updated and ready for review every Friday by 1:00pm for the following weekend. Current field status information is also available by phone at 604-473-6206 (after Friday 1:00 PM).
It is in everyone's best interest to ensure that fields are not used when conditions are unfavorable or play damages the playing surface.
Thank you for your consideration.
Vancouver Park Board