Soccer Fields
Arbutus Ridge
Park / LocationAddress / PhoneCountRemarks
Carnarvon Park2995 W 19th Avenue1
Prince of Wales Park4780 Haggart Street1
Quilchena Park4590 Magnolia Street2
Trafalgar Park2610 W 23rd Avenue2

Park / LocationAddress / PhoneCountRemarks
Andy Livingstone Park89 Expo Boulevard2artificial -carpet
David Lam Park1300 Pacific Boulevard1

Park / LocationAddress / PhoneCountRemarks
Chaldecott Park4175 Wallace Street2
Memorial West Park4701 Dunbar Street1
Musqueam Park4000 SW Marine Drive2Alma St and W 48th Av
summer only

Park / LocationAddress / PhoneCountRemarks
Charleson Park999 Charleson Street1mini soccer

Park / LocationAddress / PhoneCountRemarks
Garden Park1851 Garden Drive1mini soccer
McSpadden Park2125 Victoria Drive1mini soccer
Templeton Park700 Templeton Drive1
Woodland Park705 Woodland Drive22 mini soccer

Park / LocationAddress / PhoneCountRemarks
Adanac Park1025 Boundary Road3
Clinton Park2690 Grant Street31 all weather
New Brighton Park3201 New Brighton Road1
Rupert Park1600 Rupert Street1
Sunrise Park1950 Windermere Street1

Kensington-Cedar Cottage
Park / LocationAddress / PhoneCountRemarks
Brewers Park4175 Victoria Drive1mini soccer
Clark Park1500 E 14th Avenue1
John Hendry (Trout Lake) Park3300 Victoria Drive21 all weather
Jones Park5350 Commercial Street1
Kensington Park5175 Dumfries Street2

Park / LocationAddress / PhoneCountRemarks
Arbutus Park7601 Arbutus Street1mini soccer
Elm Park5800 Elm Street1
Maple Grove Park6875 Yew Street1mini soccer

Park / LocationAddress / PhoneCountRemarks
Champlain Heights Park3351 Maquinna Drive1
Killarney Park6205 Kerr Street31 all weather
Sparwood Park6998 Arlington Street1mini soccer

Park / LocationAddress / PhoneCountRemarks
Connaught Park2390 W 10th Avenue1
McBride Park3350 W 4th Avenue1

Park / LocationAddress / PhoneCountRemarks
Oak Park900 W 59th Avenue31 all weather
Shannon Park1575 W 62nd Avenue1

Mount Pleasant
Park / LocationAddress / PhoneCountRemarks
China Creek North Park1001 E 7th Avenue1
Jonathan Rogers Park110 W 7th Avenue1
Robson Park599 Kingsway1

Park / LocationAddress / PhoneCountRemarks
Montgomery Park1040 W 43rd Avenue2

Park / LocationAddress / PhoneCountRemarks
Beaconsfield Park3215 Slocan Street31 all weather; 1 mini soccer; 1 at north of park and SE of VanTech School
Collingwood Park5275 McKinnon Street1
Earles Park2801 E 41st Avenue1
Falaise Park3434 Falaise Avenue1mini soccer (mid level)
Gaston Park3470 Crowley Drive1
Norquay Park5050 Wales Street1
Slocan Park2750 E 29th Avenue1

Riley-Little Mountain
Park / LocationAddress / PhoneCountRemarks
Hillcrest Park4501 Clancy Loranger Way3
Prince Edward Park3773 Prince Edward Street1
Riley Park50 E 30th Avenue1mini soccer

Park / LocationAddress / PhoneCountRemarks
Kerrisdale Park5670 E Boulevard21 mini soccer; 1 artificial infill at 5350 East Boulevard

South Cambie
Park / LocationAddress / PhoneCountRemarks
Douglas Park801 W 22nd Avenue32 mini soccer
Oak Meadows Park899 W 37th Avenue1artificial carpet at 33rd Ave. and oak St. (Eric Hamber School)

Park / LocationAddress / PhoneCountRemarks
Strathcona Park857 Malkin Avenue41 all weather; 1 mini soccer
Trillium Park600 National Avenue2

Park / LocationAddress / PhoneCountRemarks
Memorial South Park5955 Ross Street41 mini soccer
Moberly Park7646 Prince Albert Street2
Ross Park7402 Ross Street1mini soccer
Sunset Park404 E 51st Avenue1

Park / LocationAddress / PhoneCountRemarks
Bobolink Park2510 Hoylake Avenue2
Fraserview Park7595 Victoria Drive1mini soccer
Gordon Park6675 Commercial Street1

West Point Grey
Park / LocationAddress / PhoneCountRemarks
Jericho Beach Park3941 Point Grey Road32 at Jericho Youth Hostel (1515 Discovery St.) - 1 mini soccer, 1 all weather
West Point Grey Park2250 Trimble Street21 mini field