Barbara Steinman
Montreal, Canada
Leaf Gardens, The Opera Place, East of Bay Development Corporation, Toronto, Canada, 2002 (Phase One), Phase Two in progress; Banking Hours, 2 Queen Street East, O&Y Properties, Toronto, 2002; Reception Hall, Canadian Embassy, Berlin, DFAIT Government of Canada, 2003
Barbara Steinman lives in Montreal and has exhibited extensively including at the Musee d'art contemporain, Montreal; the National Galleryof Canada, Ottawa; MacKenzieArt Gallery, Regina, Museum of Modern Art, NYC; the Seoul Metropolitan Museum, Korea; The Power Plant, Toronto, the ICA, Boston; in the Sao Paulo and Sydney Biennials and the Aperto at the Venice Biennale, and many other sites in Canada and internationally. Her work can be found in public collections across Canada and elsewhere. She is represented by Olga Korper Gallery, Toronto. In 2002 Steinman received the Governor General's Award in Visual and Media Arts.
Artwork nameArtistYearNeighbourhoodProgram
Barbara Steinman
Private development
1 record
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