The Public Art Registry is a database of unique and original artworks commissioned through the City's Public Art Program and created by practicing artists.The database also includes select cultural and historical assets that were not commissioned through the program but have significant value to the artistic landscape of the city.
Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun
Located at: 1133 Melville, Downtown
Brent Sparrow
Located at: 7405 Paulson Street, Marpole
Douglas Coupland
Located at: 733 Seymour, Downtown
Aaron Nelson-Moody
Located at: šxʷƛ̓exən Xwtl’a7shn Plaza (formerly Queen Elizabeth Theatre Plaza), Downtown
Olivia George
Located at: 630 Hamilton, Downtown
Atheana Picha
Located at: 600 Hamilton
Kitty Guerin
Located at: 350 W Georgia Street, Downtown
Devon Knowles
Located at: 601 West Hastings Street, Downtown
Antonia Hirsch
Located at: 1120 East 7th Avenue, Mount Pleasant
Bill Pechet
Located at: 980 Howe Street, Downtown
Henrik Håkansson
Located at: 1568 Alberni Street, West End
Sonny Assu
Located at: , Mount Pleasant
Babak Golkar
Located at: 320 Granville, Downtown
Debra Sparrow
Located at: 566 Richards
Brady Cranfield
Located at: 800 Robson Street, Downtown
Lyse Lemieux
Located at: 889 Pacific Street, Downtown
Rebecca Belmore
Located at: 350 West Georgia Street, Downtown
Myfanwy MacLeod
Located at: 4480 Oak Street, Shaughnessy
Ken Lum
Located at: Clark Drive at East 6th Avenue, Grandview-Woodland
Susan Point
Located at: Stanley Park, Stanley Park
Jerry Pethick
Located at: False Creek foreshore, Downtown