Mack Paul, kʷəlasəltən

Mack Paul, kʷəlasəltən, was raised in a strong family with traditional cultural teachings.

Mack is a learner of and advocate for Musqueam’s ancestral language, hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓, and is able to practice their teachings as the protocol coordinator for Musqueam Administration.

A self-taught visual artist, Mack specializes in digital design, with their artworks seen as painted and vinyl murals throughout the region with works commissioned by the Richmond Urgent Primary Care Clinic, Vancouver Aboriginal Child and Family Services, and BC First Nations Justice Council, amongst others. This is their first commission for the City of Vancouver.

Artwork nameArtistYearNeighbourhoodProgram
Mack Paul, kʷəlasəltən
1 record
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