Carol Sawyer
Vancouver, Canada
Carol Sawyer’s exhibition, part of Memory Palace [3 artists in the Library], did not consist strictly of public art work, although it was on public display to an average visitor-ship at the Central Branch of the VPL of over 7,000 people each day from May through September 2008. Sawyer’s work consisted of 3 Aperture banners in the Library Square Promenade and, installed inside the Library, 3 video works and a suite of 6 framed colour photographs. All works were commissioned for this project and were developed from the artist’s research at the Library. In 2002-2003 she completed a public artwork for the National Works Yard, one of three public projects commissioned from her by the City of Vancouver. Date: (see titles of works for date of works) CAROL SAWYER: Trace Ingredients. Aperture Banners: late Feb. 2008-Sept. 2008; Library installation: Late April- Sept. 2008; Concert by Sawyer and ion Zoo with newly commissioned songs by Sawyer, and Exhibition Launch: May 29, 2008; Public Artist’s talk: Sept. 20, 2008 Title of Work: Trace Ingredients (title of the overall project) Book Stack Poems, 2008, 3 Aperture banners From the series Book Stack Poems, 2008, all colour photographs: The Master Said… The Borscht Belt Spotted Books Here Come the Clowns Date Stamped Books The Act of Being Music Video, 2008, video Book Return, 2008, video Periodical Stamp, 2008, video
Carol Sawyer is a visual artist and singer. She graduated from Emily Car College of Art and Design with Honours in Photography and earned her MFA in Interdisciplinary Studies from the School for Contemporary Arts, Simon Fraser University. Sawyer's work takes the form of photographs, multi-media installations, musical performances and interdisciplinary performance pieces. She has exhibited widely in both solo and group shows across Canada and in the US. Her work is in the collections of the Canada Council Art Bank, Microsoft Corporation, and the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas. Her teaching experience includes the design and delivery of courses in interdisciplinary studio and the history of photography at ECIAD and studio courses in photography at SFU. Sawyer lives and works in Vancouver, BC, where she sings with her jazz improvisation band, ion Zoo.
Artwork nameArtistYearNeighbourhoodProgram
Carol Sawyer
Carol Sawyer
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Carol Sawyer
3 records
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