Cedric Bomford
Winnipeg, Canada
Cedric Bomford
Cedric Bomford's work often focuses on the power dynamics established by constructed spaces and takes the form of large-scale rambling ad hoc architectural installations. The projects follow a methodology he calls "thinking through building" in which construction takes on an emergent quality rather than an illustrative one. Concurrent to this installation work is a rigorous photographic practice that operates at times in parallel with and at others tangentially to the installation works. His installation and photographic works have been exhibited internationally and he has participated in residencies in Europe, Asia, Australia and North America. While the majority of his projects are solo efforts, Bomford oten works collaboratively with a number of different partners including his brother Nathan, father Jim and with other artists such as: Verena Kaminiarz, Mark Dudiak and Carl Boutard. He is a 2016 recipient of the Canada Council for the Arts Victor Martyn Lynch-Staunton Award for outstanding artistic achievement.
Artwork nameArtistYearNeighbourhoodProgram
Cedric Bomford
Mount Pleasant
Private development
1 record
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