Liz Magor
Vancouver, Canada
"Keep", bronze sculpture, York University Central Square, Toronto
Liz Magor was born in Winnipeg in 1948 and grew up in Prince Rupert and Vancouver. She graduated from the Vancouver School of Art and has had extensive exhibitions in Canada since 1980 including at the Vancouver Art Gallery, the Musee d'art contemporain, Montreal, Art Gallery of York University, Toronto, 2000, and the Art Gallery of Ontario. She was a finalist for the Millennium Prize at the National Gallery of Canada and a recipient of a Governor General's Award, both in 2001. Her international exhibits include the 4th Biennale of Sydney, 1982; XLI Biennal di Venezia, Italy, 1984; Documenta 8, Kassel, Germany, 1987; MOMA, New York, 1992; Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 1995; Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, Australia, 1996; In\Site, Sandiago/Tijuana, 1997. Her work is in major collections nationally. Magor has taught at the Ontario College of Art, UBC, and since 1995 at the Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design, Vancouver. Her work often interacts with themes of nature and survival. As a young artist in 1976, she told curator Alvin Balkind, "I can't think in a 2-dimensional way. I don’t even make sketches for sculptures." "I see art as a residence for human ingenuity and a repository for all the unpractical things we engage in intellectually and emotionally. And all those things have value whether there is a market for them or not." - ECIAD web site
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Liz Magor
Private development
Liz Magor
Liz Magor
Mount Pleasant
Private development
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