Public Art Registry
Joe Fortes Drinking Fountain
Photo: Barbara Cole
Joe Fortes Drinking Fountain - photo by Barbara Cole
1600 block of Beach Avenue
Alexandra Park
South side of Alexander Park, facing Beach Avenue between Bidwell and Denman Street
Bronze, granite
Memorial or monument
In place
City of Vancouver
CommemorativeCoal Harbour/West End Quadrant
Description of work
A heritage monument, this granite water fountain has a carved text and inset bronze relief plaque that commemorates the first lifeguard at this beach.
Artist statement
Joe Fortes was born in Barbados and jumped ship to stay in Vancouver in 1885. He made it his mission to teach people to swim and taught hundreds of children and adults.According to the Vancouver Sun (April 7, 2001, H4) Fortes owned only one book: The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis. His funeral in 1922 was the biggest in Vancouver history.
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