Public Art Registry
Windsor Way: Moments, Memories, and Objects
Windsor Way: Moments, Memories, and Objects
13th Avenue to 32nd Avenue
Windsor Street
Cutout images on light poles along Windsor Street; markers at Kingsway and King Edward.
Two-dimensional artwork
In place
City of Vancouver
Windsor Way
Description of work
Twenty different cut-out aluminum images welded to framed, perforated aluminum are mounted on light poles along Windsor Street. There are two pairs of markers, one at Kingsway, the other at King Edward.
Artist statement
The community shared experiences; hand gestures and stories derived from significant objects from and near the home. Neighbours were photographed gesturing with their objects. These personal, sometimes intimate images were then transposed into aluminum "drawings" attached to streetlights along Windsor Street. These public/private images in turn, interact with weather, light, and the surrounding streetscape.
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