Over the course of a year, Vancouver-based artist Diyan Achjadi installed unique poster prints throughout the Main, Cambie, and Railtown neighbourhoods. Each month Achjadi produced a series of hand-printed posters and installed them onto the structures surrounding construction sites throughout the city, mirroring the elements and patterns of these building sites. Over the course of that time the posters—hand-drawn and hand-printed through silkscreen, etching, lithography and polymer plate relief—accumulated and, left to the effects of the elements and actions of passersby, decayed, were transformed by graffiti and even removed.
Locations of the project included:
- Rendition Developments Inc.: 5679 Main St, 494 Railway St, and 224 West 8th
- Onni Group: 399 East 1st Ave
- PortLiving: Midtown Central at 702 East Broadway
- Pennyfarthing Homes: 4988 Cambie St and 5030-5070 Cambie St
- Locarno Legacy Corporation: 2468 Balaclava St
- Welk’s General Store at 3511 Main St.