Public Art Registry
Chief Skedans Mortuary Pole
Photo: Maxime Cyr-Morton
Chief Skedans Mortuary Pole - photo by Maxime Cyr-Morton
Stanley Park
Brockton Point
Facing east, far right
Totem pole
In place
City of Vancouver
Description of work

A replica of a Haida mortuary pole originally raised in Skedans prior to 1878 and moved to Vancouver in 1936 for Vancouver's golden jubilee. This version by Bill Reid was carved on the site in Stanley Park in 1964 with the help of Don Yeomans and German carver Werner True. At the top of the pole is the Moon with a Thunderbird face, the a mountain goat with cloven hooves and a Grizzly Bear at the bottom which holds a Seal. (Stewart, Totem Poles, 1990)

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