Vanessa Kwan’s Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver was a mobile sculptural kiosk that could be found at various sites during the 2010 Winter Games. Specially uniformed kiosk attendants distributed what looked like conventional tourist postcards that actually had a die-cut hole in the centre, allowing visitors to frame their vistas in individual ways. The kiosk was both sculptural and practical and acted as a place from which to engage with people and the landscape in an otherwise frenetic environment. Visitors will have a chance to share their custom postcards by posting them to the Flickr group Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver and until the end of 2010.
“The postcards are designed as do-it-yourself framing devices, and through them, one might view infinite vistas and recombinant
versions of Vancouver, both here and elsewhere. Viewers can
document their “image within an image” and then post these on the website.” -- Vanessa Kwan