Public Art Registry
Untitled (Sculpture)
Artwork has been removed.
Untitled (Sculpture)
North end of Granville Street (Downtown)
Granville Square Plaza 200 (Downtown)
Centre of plaza
The artwork has been removed from this location.
Western red cedar
No longer in place
Description of work
Seventy-four upright cedar blocks, 3'x3' each by varying heights from 2' to 17' and each set in a 6" base. These timbers are set on end in a seemingly random pattern on six concrete pads in the middle of Granville Square and mostly enclosed within a 50 foot diameter circle of red tiles. The sculpture measures about 40 feet by 60 feet and is roughly in the shape of a cross. Known as "Phifer's Fountain", this work was commissioned in 1973 by the CPR and Marathon Realty to address a plaza of which the zoning panel of the day said "a truly `civic square', as the developers propose, should be more generous and festive in concept." (Rezoning application, October 1968) This plaza was described in the 1969 development permit application as "developed with trees, sitting area, fountain, grass mounds, architectural lighting, etc." Somewhere along the line, the "fountain" turned into a 30 foot by 60 foot sculpture. "The CPR went to Washington State to find someone to design these columns of squared timber to represent, in abstract form, BC forests. The wood used would supply enough timber to build 10 homes." (A Guide to Sculpture in Vancouver, Peggy Imredy, 1980) By 2002, some of these columns had deteriorated substantially and Marathon wanted to redevelop the plaza. Some effort was made to find a new home for this quintessential 70s work, with the artist choosing to give it to the interior community of Princeton, where it currently stands as the gateway to the Trans Canada Trail.
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