Ball Hockey
Park / LocationAddress / PhoneCountRemarks
Sutcliffe Park1318 Cartwright Street1overlap with basketball

Park / LocationAddress / PhoneCountRemarks
Garden Park1851 Garden Drive1overlap with basketball

Kensington-Cedar Cottage
Park / LocationAddress / PhoneCountRemarks
Brewers Park4175 Victoria Drive1
Cedar Cottage Park2650 Clark Drive1
Clark Park1500 E 14th Avenue1youth court
General Brock Park2301 Brock Street1youth court
Grays Park4850 St. Catherines Street1overlap with basketball
John Hendry (Trout Lake) Park3300 Victoria Drive1

Park / LocationAddress / PhoneCountRemarks
Oak Park900 W 59th Avenue1

Mount Pleasant
Park / LocationAddress / PhoneCountRemarks
Robson Park599 Kingsway1overlap with basketball

Park / LocationAddress / PhoneCountRemarks
Renfrew Community Park2929 E 22nd Avenue1lacrosse

Riley-Little Mountain
Park / LocationAddress / PhoneCountRemarks
Queen Elizabeth Park4600 Cambie Street2

Park / LocationAddress / PhoneCountRemarks
Memorial South Park5955 Ross Street1lacrosse

West End
Park / LocationAddress / PhoneCountRemarks
Sunset Beach Park1204 Beach Avenue1